The Virtual Museum:
A Glimpse of the Storied History of UPCM


Dr. Gloria T. Aragon was a prominent clinician, educator, and researcher in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. years. She graduated Magna cum laude and Class Valedictorian in 1940 from the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines.She defied the odds by finishing her residency in obstetrics amidst the chaos of World War II and received further training at the Chicago Lying-in Hospital. Upon returning, she imparted her knowledge and skills by becoming a faculty of the Department of Obstetrics and later serving as the Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology from 1967-1972. She was the first woman who assumed the challenging role of simultaneously being the Dean of the UP College of Medicine and concurrently serving as the Director of the Philippine General Hospital from 1979-1983. During her time as dean, the College of Medicine curriculum to include the Integrated Liberal Arts and Medicine (INTARMED) program was officially approved by the UP Board of Regents.



Due to lack of sources for some paintings, the content of the virtual museum may not always be accurate ,and this will be continually revised as needed. If you have any feedback about the content of the writeups and its accuracy, please email of the Office of the Dean through Lorelie Alcazar (
